... | ... | @@ -86,6 +86,6 @@ Finally, the Number of inheritance edges characteristic is considered because in |
The UD smell-specific characteristic Instability gap and Strength are of interest because they are used for the detection of the smell and thus can effectively measure its criticality. The higher the instability gap, the higher the chance the component affected by the smell is changed due to ripple effects. Likewise, the higher the strength, the higher the chance (because there are more possible components that are prone to a change) a change occurs and propagates to the affected component.
The HL smell-specific characteristics Affected classes ratio and Average internal path length are of interest because they quantify the involvement of the internal classes in the smell by answering the questions `How many classes belonging to the affected package (out of all package classes) contribute to the smell?' and `How much efferent and afferent packages are actually connected?', respectively.
The HL smell-specific characteristics Affected classes ratio and Average internal path length are of interest because they quantify the involvement of the internal classes in the smell by answering the questions "How many classes belonging to the affected package (out of all package classes) contribute to the smell?" and "How much efferent and afferent packages are actually connected?", respectively.
Intuitively, if the average internal path length is low, it is easier for changes to propagate through the components involved in the smell. And if the efferent and afferent packages are poorly connected (i.e. few paths), the chance a change propagates is small.
In other words, these two characteristics measure the proneness of a HL smell to propagate changes incoming from its dependencies to the components depending upon it. |