The toolbox offers multiple ways of accessing its functionality: via CLI, via RESTful APIs, and via the dashboard.
This wiki page will focus on explaining the usage through the CLI, since the APIs are meant for development and the dashboard mimics the same functionality and requires little configuration.
All the analyses performed do not require compilation of the source code.
# Usage from CLI
Assuming that you have cloned and created the executable JAR file following the installation instruction, you can execute the following commands to have the list of options for each tool:
java -jar path/to/astracker.jar -h
java -jar path/to/arcan-java.jar -h
java -jar path/to/arcan-c.jar -h
## Java projects
To trigger the most basic analysis on a Java project stored in a Git repository you need to first run the following:
java -jar path/to/arcan.jar-p $INPUTDIR -out $OUTDIR_ARCAN -git -branch $BRANCH -nDays $INTERVAL_GIT_COMMITS -startDate $STARTDATE
This will trigger an analysis for the given repository stored in `$INPUTDIR` on the given branch and analysing one commit every `$INTERVAL_GIT_COMMITS` days starting from `$STARTDATE` (format YYYY-MM-DD).
After the Arcan finishes, you will find a number of `.graphml` files in the `$OUTDIR_ARCAN` directory. These files are the input to AStracker.
java -jar path/to/astracker.jar -p $PROJECT -i $OUTDIR_ARCAN -o $OUTPUTDIR -pC -pCC -gitRepo $INPUTDIR -jP
where `$PROJECT` is the name of your project (arbitrary).
This should trigger the analysis and as soon as the analysis is complete, a number of CSV files will be saved under `$OUTPUTDIR/trackASOutput/$PROJECT` containing the smells, their characteristics, and the historical information of each commit analysed, including the number of changes to each class/package.
# C/C++ projects
For C/C++ projects, you need to run the following