... | @@ -4,7 +4,23 @@ The front-end of the Forecasting Toolbox is actually part of the overall SDK4ED |
... | @@ -4,7 +4,23 @@ The front-end of the Forecasting Toolbox is actually part of the overall SDK4ED |
When the user selects the *TD Forecast* option on the dropdown list of the *Forecast* button illustrated above, the panel shown below opens:
When the user selects the **TD Forecast** option on the dropdown list of the **Forecast** button illustrated above, the panel shown below opens:
The main screen of the TD Forecasting panel comprises a dropdown button, two interactive plots and one table. The dropdown button named **Horizon** allows the user to select the forecasting horizon for which they would like to see predictions for. Once the forecasting horizon is selected, the back-end server invokes the proper forecasting algorithm (depending on the selected horizon) and returns the predictions back to the GUI, which in turn parses the result. Then, the interactive plots showing the past (green) and the predicted (red) TD Principal evolution appear on the screen.
The first plot (illustrated below) shows the entire evolution followed by the forecasted evolution of the application.
The second plot (illustrated below) focuses solely on the forecast, giving a more fine-grained view.
In addition to the plots, a complementary table (illustrated below) comprising the detailed results of the forecasts is presented at the bottom-right part of the screen. This table presents the forecasted TD values for the upcoming weeks, as well as the difference between the current TD value and the forecasted TD values per week, which may serve as an indicator of whether the TD Principal will increase or decrease, and to what extent. This additional information is expected to help the developers take even more informed decisions regarding the prioritization of their TD repayment activities.
Similarly to the TD Forecasting panel, the two figures below illustrate the main screens of the Energy and Dependability forecasting panels respectively.