# Dependability Toolbox - Installation
In this page, the steps that need to be followed for installing and setting up the Dependability Toolbox back-end on your local machine are provided. Initially, information is provided on how to deploy a Docker Container, using the latest Docker Image that is available on [DockerHub](). Subsequently, in order to facilitate further expansion of the tool from third-party developers, we provide information on how to build the Docker Image from the sources and deploy a Docker Container based on this image.
## Installation directly from DockerHub
The Dependability Toolbox is available for download on [DockerHub](https://hub.docker.com/r/siavvasm/sdk4ed-dependability-toolbox/tags). In order to install it locally, you need to execute the following command on your terminal (assuming that Docker Engine is already installed on your system):
docker run -p 8080:8080 --name dependability-toolbox -it siavvasm/sdk4ed-dependability-toolbox:third bash ./startup.sh
The above command will download the Docker Image of the latest version of the Dependability Toolbox locally and will generate a Docker Container named dependability-toolbox. It will also start the Tomcat Server that hosts the three services. Hence, after the execution of this command the Dependability Toolbox will be up and running and the three services will be invokable at port 8080 of your local machine. More specifically, the services will reside at the following end point:
In the above endpoint, you should replace the <your_local_host_ip> placeholder with the IP of your local machine on which the Dependability Toolbox docker container is running.
In case that you want to see the log files of the Tomcat Server that hosts the services of the Dependability Toolbox, you should replace the "./startup.sh" parameter of the above command with "./catalina.sh run". For your convenience, the full command that should be executed is presented below:
docker run -p 8080:8080 --name dependability-toolbox -it siavvasm/sdk4ed-dependability-toolbox:third bash ./catalina.sh run
## Installation using Docker Build
In the [Installation]() section we described how the Dependability Toolbox docker container can be installed directly from [DockerHub](https://hub.docker.com/r/siavvasm/sdk4ed-dependability-toolbox/tags). We highly recommend the users to select this way of installing the SDK4ED Dependability Toolbox, as it contains the latest version of the toolbox, which has been tested before its release on DockerHub, whereas it also constitutes the easiest way for installing it.
In this section, we provide instructions on how the user can actually build a new Docker Image of the Dependability Toolbox from scratch. This is necessary especially for those who contribute in the development of the toolbox.
- **Step 1:** Download the .DockerFile that can be found in the present Gitlab repository and place it in a specific directory.
- **Step 2:** Download the Tomcat Server instance form this [link](https://www.dropbox.com/s/gwzdofiorrp2ohm/apache-tomcat-8.0.53.zip?dl=0). Extract the content of the downloaded .zip file to the directory in which the .DockerFile is placed. The content of this .zip file is actually the Tomcat Server instance having all the libraries and environments that are necessary for the execution of the Dependability Toolbox services pre-installed.
- **Step 3:** Download the .war file that contains the latest version of the Dependability Toolbox from this [link](https://www.dropbox.com/s/7oycyo1h4knkp44/DependabilityToolbox.war?dl=0). Copy the .war file and paste it to the /webapps folder of the Tomcat Server that was downloaded in Step 2.
- **Step 4:** Open the terminal and navigate to the directory in which the .DockerFile is located and execute the following command:
docker build -t sdk4ed-dependability-toolbox .
This command will result in the creation of a Docker Image named "sdk4ed-dependability-toolbox". In order to create a Docker Container from this image you need to execute the following command:
docker run -p 8080:8080 --name dependability-toolbox -it sdk4ed-dependability-toolbox:third bash ./startup.sh
This command is actually similar to the command that was demonstrated in the [Installation]() section of this README file. For more information on how you can handle the Dependability Toolbox docker container please have a look at the [Usage]() section of the present README file. |