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Refactorings Panel consists of Code Refactorings, Design Refactorings and Architecture Refactorings.
# Code Refactorings Page
Suppose that the user selects the "Code Refactorings" option from the drop-down list of Refactorings. Code Refactorings suggests
refactorings based on source code that introduce code smells. The figure below, presents a example of this type of refactorings. The rules are ranked based on
the urgency to be solved. We can also see the probability of this rule to occure and the probability change.
if you click on a rule, a new window opens with a brief decription of the rule and examples of how to solve this code smell.
Last, in the new window, the user can see the files that violate this rule, the line of the violation and the effort in minutes that need to be solved.
An example of this, it is shown on the figure below.
# Design Refactorings Page
Suppose that the user selects the "Design Refactorings" option from the drop-down list of Refactorings. Design Refactorings suggests two type of refactorings,
Extract Method Opportunities and Move Class Refactorings. In the figure below, presents a example of Extract Method Opportunities for 'Neurasmus' project.
Extract Method Opportunities tries to solve the long method code smell. The box size shows the lines of code the method has and the color density the cohesion
benefit from the suggested refactoring.
Move Class Refactorings suggests and different code structure that improves cohesion and coupling in project level. An example of this type of refactoring
is shown on the picture below.